Saturday, May 9, 2015

The Federal Reserve

In the Winter of 1913, our former president, Woodrow Wilson, created one of the most diabolical, and detrimental systems the United states has ever seen. One hundred years later, this evil continues to dig the United States into a deeper hole of debt. This evil is known as the Federal Reserve.

Why is this so evil? It controls our inflation and interest rates when the economy is up or down. They are responsible for all of the money that is printed in the United States. What is wrong about this?

The Federal Reserve is not even a part of the United State government. This basically means that they have the power to basically do whatever they want. This includes printing as much money as they need, give it to any banks that need it, and raise the interest rates on citizens as they please. The printing of all of this money has led the United States into a eighteen trillion dollar debt that we will never be able to crawl out of. Andrew Jackson was the last U.S. president to have the debt that the U.S. owes, all paid off. This was almost 200 years ago. Now the government no longer has control of our currency which has led us to such a large hole of debt. Eighteen trillion dollars is so much money if you think about it.

John F. Kennedy was the last brave soul to ever challenge the Federal Reserve. In 1963 he signed an act that would take the Federal Reserve out of business for good, and allow our government the ability to print its own money. However, before this act was put into action, the president was assassinated. Lyndon Baines Johnson, his vice president, did not follow up with Kennedy’s plans to take out the Federal Reserve. It’s very suspicious how JFK was assassinated only six months after he signed the bill.

Because of the Federal Reserve, banks can loan out as much money as they want. This means not everyone will pay back their loans, which hurts the economy because those people will not be able to feed more money into the economy. They will be bankrupt. In my opinion, this evil must be stopped and we should begin to slowly climb ourselves out of this 18 trillion dollar hole.